October 21, 2024

Roscoe Tisdell

Brave Sky

Colorful Africa Festivals

Colorful Africa Festivals


Africa is an amazing continent with a rich culture, diverse wildlife and incredible scenery. From the Serengeti to the Sahara Desert, Africa has it all! And what better way to celebrate this rich heritage than through colorful festivals that showcase African culture? Whether you’re after music and dance or just want to experience some African cuisine, these festivals are sure to impress even the most seasoned traveler.

Colorful Africa Festivals

Lobi Ancestors Festival

The Lobi Ancestors Festival is a celebration of the ancestors of the Lobi people. It’s held every year in September, and it lasts for two weeks. During this time, people gather together to mark their respect for their forefathers by offering sacrifices at shrines built in honor of them.

The festival includes traditional dances and music performances as well as parades where participants wear elaborate costumes made out of colorful material such as feathers or beads–you might even spot someone dressed like an elephant!

Ntoa Festival

The Ntoa Festival is held every year in September. It takes place in the village of Ntoa, which is located just outside of Accra. This festival celebrates the harvest season and features traditional Ghanian dance performances as well as food stalls selling traditional dishes like fufu and banku (mashed plantain).

You can get there by taxi or bus from Accra; if driving yourself, make sure to rent a car with a driver so you don’t get lost on your way there! You can also get tickets online through TicketPro Ghana before traveling to Ghana for this event if you want an easier time getting into it once you arrive at your destination.

Tswana Cultural Festival

The Tswana Cultural Festival is a celebration of the culture of the Tswana people. It takes place in Mafikeng, which is located in South Africa. The festival lasts for two weeks in November and is an opportunity to learn about the culture of these people, who are known for their traditional dances and music. There will also be food vendors selling authentic dishes from Botswana or South Africa that you can try out!

Ishedzi Ceremony (Masvingo)

Ishedzi was the first wife of King Lobengula, who ruled over the Ndebele people in what is now known as Zimbabwe. She was a powerful woman who ruled the kingdom during her husband’s absence and was able to establish peace between tribes through diplomacy.

The Ishedzi Ceremony is held in her memory and celebrates women and their role in society. It begins with a procession through town led by an Isigidza (or “Mother of Mothers”), who represents Ishedzi herself; she is followed by other women carrying baskets full of food products such as cornmeal cakes or boiled pumpkin leaves wrapped up neatly like gifts for giving out later on at home after everyone has returned from church services which are held early each morning before sunrise throughout this weeklong celebration so everyone gets plenty time both attending services plus participating fully throughout all festivities!

Asiko Mountain Climbing Festival (Zimbabwe)

Asiko Mountain Climbing Festival is a celebration of the spirit of the African people. The festival takes place in Zimbabwe on the first Sunday of February each year, and it’s a great opportunity to see what this beautiful country has to offer.

The Asiko Mountain Climbing Festival lasts for five days, beginning with a traditional ceremony at which dancers perform traditional dances while wearing colorful costumes made from cloth and feathers. There are also competitions for boys who want to demonstrate their bravery by climbing up steep cliffs on top of Mount Asiko (also known as Mount Nyangani).

You’ll need some good hiking shoes if you decide to go! You can get there by flying into Harare International Airport or driving along Highway A1 highway through Botswana until it reaches Zimbabwe border control point called Beitbridge Border Post (BOP), where all travelers must stop before entering into Zimbabwe territory. Once inside BOP area there will be buses waiting which will take passengers directly towards Mutare town centre where many accommodation options exist such as hotels/guesthouses etc., however if getting accommodation closer than Mutare then best option would be renting car from one company called “Zimbabwe Car Rentals” located just outside Harare International Airport

Ndebele Traditional Music and Dance Festival (South Africa)

The Ndebele people are a Southern African ethnic group who have their own traditional music and dance. The Ndebele Traditional Music and Dance Festival takes place in August each year to celebrate the harvest season, which runs from July through November. During this time, it is customary for farmers to thank God for his bounty by offering him first fruits of their crops.

The festival has been running since 1996 and attracts thousands of visitors every year who come together to enjoy traditional music performances by local artists or watch them perform alongside international stars such as Hugh Masekela (South Africa), Johnny Clegg (Zimbabwe) and Lucky Dube (South Africa).

these festivals showcase the richness of African culture

These festivals showcase the richness of African culture. They are a good way to learn about the rich and colorful cultures of Africa. The festivals also allow you to experience new things as they bring people together in celebration, music, dance and art.


These festivals showcase the richness of African culture and offer a glimpse into its diverse cultures. Africa is home to many different tribes, each with their own traditions, customs and way of life. These colorful festivals are an opportunity for everyone to come together in celebration of their heritage while also learning more about other cultures around them