October 20, 2024

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Brave Sky

The Best German Paintings

The Best German Paintings


This list is a collection of the best German paintings. They are all worth seeing if you’re in Germany, and they’ve all been recognized as some of the greatest pieces of art ever made.

The Best German Paintings

Franz Marc and the Blue Equestrian

Franz Marc was a German painter who was born in Munich in 1880. He was a member of the Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider) art movement, which formed around 1909. The movement sought to bring together like-minded artists and poets to create new forms of expression through art that reflected their shared philosophy and beliefs.

In 1911, Marc created “The Blue Equestrian” which is now considered one of his most famous pieces.

The Great Wave, Hokusai

The Great Wave is a woodblock print by the Japanese artist Hokusai, who created it in 1829. It depicts an enormous wave threatening boats off the shore at Kanagawa. It’s considered one of the most famous works of Japanese art and has been widely reproduced since its creation.

The Great Wave is made up of two sheets: one showing Mount Fuji under stormy skies with waves crashing against rocks near shore; another showing boats being tossed about by huge waves at sea.

The Last Supper, Leonardo da Vinci

The Last Supper, by Leonardo da Vinci, is one of the most famous paintings in the world. It’s also one of the most copied and parodied paintings in the world. The original painting hangs on a wall in Milan, Italy; it was commissioned by Ludovico Sforza around 1495 as part of an interior decoration project for Santa Maria delle Grazie (St Mary of Grace).

The work depicts Jesus Christ announcing that one among his Apostles will betray him before they break bread together at supper time on Maundy Thursday night–a momentous event from Christian tradition known as “The Last Supper.”

This scene has been depicted countless times since then but none have captured its power quite like this version does: we see each disciple looking directly at us with expressions ranging from concern to shock; Christ’s face is twisted into anguish; Judas sits isolated from everyone else because he knows what he’s about to do…

The Holy Family with a Lamb, Correggio

The Holy Family with a Lamb is a painting by Correggio, which is currently in the Berlin State Museums. It was painted in 1520s, and it is one of the most famous paintings of its kind.

The painting depicts Mary holding baby Jesus on her lap while Joseph stands next to them with his arms folded across his chest. Two angels can be seen above them, one who holds a sheaf of wheat and another who holds an apple tree branch (or possibly flowers). Behind them are two sheep grazing on grass; behind these animals stands another angel holding up what looks like an open book with writing on it–this may symbolize God’s word being given through scripture or perhaps even alluding specifically to Psalms 22:1-2 (which reads “My God! O my soul! Why have you forsaken me? Why do I go about mourning because of death?”).

Symphony I by Beethoven

Beethoven’s Symphony No. 1 in C major, Op. 21, was composed between 1800 and 1802. It was first performed in Vienna on 7th April, 1803 by the Tonkuhr Orchestra under the direction of Ignaz von Seyfried (1776-1841). Beethoven was 27 years old when he wrote this symphony and it is considered to be one of his most popular works today.

The first movement opens with an energetic fanfare theme followed by a slower lyrical theme that features solo clarinet accompanied by strings playing pizzicato arpeggios (arpeggio means ‘to pluck’). The second movement starts off with another fast paced theme played by violins before transitioning into slower material featuring woodwinds such as flutes and oboes accompanied by brass instruments including trombones which give off a low pitch sound when they play together as part of an ensemble group known as “brass section”.

Starry Night, Vincent Van Gogh

This painting, Starry Night, was painted in 1889 by Vincent Van Gogh. It is an oil on canvas and has become famous for its use of color and style as well as size and subject matter. The large size of this piece allows you to see all of the details that were included by Van Gogh when he painted it; including the houses along with their windows lit up from inside by candles or lamps (or maybe even fires).

Kiss by Gustav Klimt, 1907-1908

The Kiss is a painting created by Gustav Klimt in 1907. It is oil on canvas, and it’s currently on display at the Vienna Kunsthistorisches Museum in Austria. The museum acquired it from a group of art patrons who donated it to them in 1930.

The Kiss is part of a series called “The Kiss” that Klimt created between 1907 and 1908 (you can see another example below).

These pieces of art are worth a trip to Germany.

If you’re a fan of fine art and have the chance to visit Germany, these are the works of art you should see. They’re all located in major cities like Berlin, Munich and Cologne–and though some are housed in museums and galleries, others can be found in churches or castles.


If you’re looking for something to do on your next trip to Germany, we recommend checking out some of these amazing works of art. They are all very different but equally impressive in their own way. We hope that this article has inspired you to travel

 and see these pieces for yourself–they’re worth the trip!