October 19, 2024

Roscoe Tisdell

Brave Sky

Art & Romanticism in Europe

Art & Romanticism in Europe


Romanticism was a cultural movement that began in the late 18th century and lasted until the mid-19th century. Romanticists believed in the inherent goodness of human nature, with an emphasis on emotion and experience over reason. They also believed that art should be primarily emotional in nature, rather than relying on strict rules of composition or technique. While this artistic style is often associated with Europe in general, it had a particularly strong impact on Venice, Florence, Rome and Paris during the 19th century due to their abundance of museums and galleries where paintings were displayed for public viewing instead of being stored away from public view like they were back home in Great Britain or America.

Art & Romanticism in Europe


Venice is a city in northern Italy and one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe. It’s also known for its canals, glass making and gondolas (boats).


Florence is the capital of Tuscany, Italy. It’s also one of the most beautiful cities in Italy and in Europe.

Florence is home to many museums and galleries. There are many places where you can see paintings by famous artists such as Michelangelo, Botticelli and Leonardo da Vinci


Rome is a beautiful city. It’s filled with ancient ruins and historic landmarks, but it’s also home to some of the most romantic spots in Europe.

Romanticism was popular in Rome during this time period because it was a reaction to the Enlightenment, which emphasized reason and logic over emotion and imagination. Romanticism focused on nature as well as human emotions, so artists often used Gothic architecture (think castles) to express these ideas visually.


Paris, the city of love and romance.

The Louvre is an art museum that houses one of the largest collections in the world. It was established in 1793 and opened to the public in 1801. The Eiffel Tower stands at 324 meters tall and was built for the World Fair in 1889; it’s now one of Paris’ most recognizable landmarks. The Arc de Triomphe honors those who fought in WWI (it was completed in 1836). Notre Dame Cathedral is known for its Gothic architecture as well as its bell towers–one of them dates back to 1345! The Champs Elysees is a tree-lined avenue that runs through central Paris; it connects Place de la Concorde with Place Charles de Gaulle (formerly called Place de l’Etoile). Montmartre offers breathtaking views from its hilltop location overlooking all other neighborhoods below it; if you’re lucky enough to visit during summertime, you’ll get an extra treat: festivals celebrating everything from jazz music to cinema!


Amsterdam is a great place to visit. It has plenty of art and history, as well as some beautiful buildings. If you’re interested in learning more about Amsterdam’s past, then there are many museums that can help you out!

If you want to see some beautiful architecture while exploring Amsterdam’s streets, head over to Museum Square (Museumplein). This area has five different museums: Rijksmuseum; Van Gogh Museum; Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst (SMAK); Mauritshuis museum; and Nederlands Fotomuseum

Romanticism is an important part of European culture.

  • Romanticism is an important part of European culture.
  • Romantic art is important to the history of Europe.
  • Romantic art was a reaction to the Enlightenment, which emphasized reason and logic over emotion and imagination. In contrast, Romantics celebrated nature as they believed that it represented the “true” self of man through its spontaneity and passion. They also believed that art should reflect real life rather than imitate classical models or follow set rules; therefore artists were encouraged by their patrons (such as kings) to become independent thinkers rather than conformists who copied other people’s work without thinking for themselves first (this idea was called originality).
  • To achieve these goals many artists used colors like reds, blues, yellows etc., instead of blacks & whites because these colors were known back then as “warm” colors while black & white seemed cold compared with them; this helped convey feelings such as sadness/grief/loneliness etc., which are prime examples from Romanticism era pieces like Caspar David Friedrich’s 1818 painting titled Wanderer above Sea Cliff


Romanticism is an important part of European culture. It has influenced many artists, writers and musicians over the years, and we can still see its influence today. Romanticism emerged as a reaction against Neoclassicism and it was inspired by nature and human emotion rather than reason or logic.